My dream job as Enterpreneur

 My Dream Job, Enterpreneur/Businessman 

Since i was child i have a dream to be bussinessman. The picture of my dream since i was grade in 5th elementary school.I think that to be bussinessman is so interesting and never making us boring. In the other side to be bussinessman can add new experience because to be bussinessman has a double job, to be employee, as a manager of financial, and other job.

Being an entrepreneur has a job that is not easy, such as carrying out policies, goals, and procedures set by the company.

Supervise and coordinate the business, finance, production, budget (to be efficient and optimal) in the business being carried out Organize employee work and conduct reviews

Plan and carry out business activities that require the coordination of various parties such as promotions and sales, as well as implementing marketing strategies

Monitor suppliers and ensure they work efficiently and effectively as required by the company

Evaluate sales results, business activities and others to measure company achievements. Then analyze the parts that require a reduction or increase in the budget

the shadow of the salary that appears in my dream job as an entrepreneur is a salary above the UMR with income that can be allocated to continue to grow the business into a national and even international scale business. A monthly wage between Rp. 4.500.000 to Rp. 7.000.000, in my opinion, is in line with the industry standard and accurately reflects my qualifications and degree of experience. But, I am open to hearing about the company's expectations for this position's salary and flexibility.

Except to reach my dream since i was children, the another reason to be bussinessman is i want to open new job for a youth person, we know that the job in indonesia not enough for young people. It is because the young people after graduation from university want to find a job and not create a new job. And that reason making un job young person is increase every year.And after i will be successful bussinessman, i will built the school that has free tuition to poor student. So, to make my dream come true i should study hard and also try to make all of my dream come true in the future.
